Jun 30, 2018
Procrastination can impede your ability to live a rewarding and happy life. If you want a prosperous and fulfilling life you must develop a lifestyle of action. In this podcast, Del shares three reasons why we procrastinate and provides three strategies that will help you overcome procrastination and become a person...
Jun 18, 2018
Important work calls for singular attention, without
distractions. In this podcast, you will learn the 3 essential
elements to being able to Power Focus so you can produce
high-quality work in less time.
To receive a Free copy of my eBook, POWER FOCUS: 3 Keys to
Overcoming Distraction and Doing Great Work, CLICK...
Jun 4, 2018
Keeping all your tasks in one location is the foundation for personal productivity. The Master Task List is 'command central’ for planning your weeks and days with maximum effectiveness. In this episode, Del explains 3 reasons to keep a Master Task List. He also discusses how to create and keep a Master Task List...